
Can somebody tell me
when was this ever a good idea?
i'll take a step back
i don't want this to be real

it is good to see you
it's been too long
i don't know whether
to laugh or cry so i'll
just disguise it with a smile
that's fake like you

we used to be so high
and wish for more as
we were coming down
but then it was the weekend
and you were my goodtime friend
i couldn't wait to say goodbye

i can't believe you're still here
no longer wishing
did you force yourself
to forget your dreams of escape
finally realize you weren't that great
you've come to nothing so disappear

i like the way you're proud of me
for getting away
and i hate to disappoint
but i'm not coming back
unlike you i sidestepped the trap
to do all the things that weren't allowed of me

i can't stay it's hard to visit
you're only a memory now
and a bad one at that
so stay here amongst the fallen
i won't hear you when you call and
tell me, they say hell's a comfortable prison, is it?

 - Jason
4:09pm, Sunday March 5 '06

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