
Why are you still there
Through the distance
And through the cold
Why do you still hurt me most of all?

I thought
I guess I'd wished that
this was better
That I could move on
But I still wish that you'd call

A lifetime
But seven wasn't lucky
The only growth was rotten
The seeds fell on desolate soil
Summer's hope had no choice but to fall

And I'd tell you that I'm sorry
But bleeding was never enough
There was a time you adored me
And I couldn't get enough
I always thought you'd be there
And you took my heart for granted
I used to love the way you cared
But we ran out of chances
Our love is finished
The smiles gone
This devil as my witness
I still wonder if you were the one.

 - Jason
10:48 pm · Sunday january 29 2006

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