Someone I knew passed away yesterday. Car crash.

He was an awesome, upstanding guy. An even bigger car guy than me, and I say this with a lot of meaning – even knew more about Talons than I do – by a lot. We’d gone sideways together in an Evo and a Ralliart and I always dug chatting cars with him.


As a former Talon owner, he had a stash of parts sitting in his garage that he was going to sell, but when we met, he saw the pride I take in my three, and offered to give them to me instead. Some chrome bits, replacement lights, a 1G valve cover and other goodies. I gratefully accepted and we got my Talon right up to the speed limit to celebrate.

Like I said, I always looked forward to talking cars or driving with him. However, as I was going to a place where I knew I might run into him 2 days ago, I had this incredibly strong feeling that I didn’t want to get into a car with him. At all. I didn’t know why or where that was coming from as it was completely out of nowhere, but there it was.

As it turned out, he wasn’t there, so the feeling left me confused but I quickly forgot about it, until this morning when I got the news.

Intuition? The devil on my shoulder knew something and whispered in my ear? I don’t know – but the loss of a good guy and trying to comprehend the whole situation has me a little out of it.

RIP, my friend. Turbos in heaven.