Tag Archive: writing


can you hear me now
are you wondering how
can you believe i called
can you take it all View full article »

Choose to find a way. Don’t make excuses.

People that greet every new idea or opportunity with negativity drive me bonkers. We’ve all seen them, we all have them in our lives at some point or another. When someone presents them with a suggestion, their first response is to list 27 reasons why it won’t work – all of which are of course out of their control. When faced with these people over and over, eventually you stop giving them ideas. Yet, when you know someone who has a positive attitude – you love bringing up ideas because you know the reaction will be positive and could lead to even better ideas through discussion. View full article »

We always knew This wouldn’t be enough

You were beautiful in the rain
Glorious in the sun
I never knew any better
I’ll never be your one View full article »

I only miss the idea of you

Another midnight
Our song is playing
I’d ask the bartender to change it but
But I’m not staying View full article »

with less eyes and more time

a secret’s best kept when it’s only known by one
she smiled as she asked: can i trust you jason? View full article »

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